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Key Performance Measures

Performance Report

This Performance Report contains information on the performance of this registered housing agency for the 2020-21 Financial Year. Included in this report are results against Key Performance Measures (KPMs) with a comparison of the average results from similar housing associations or housing providers. This information is published on the ‘Register of Housing Agencies’ (the Public Register) for each financial year from 2019-20 onwards. Please refer to the accompanying document, Performance Report Explained, for definitions of the terms used in this report. The Performance Report Explained document also includes information on the KPMs and how they may be influenced by external factors outside of a registered agency’s control.
The Housing Registrar annually assesses registered agencies under the Housing Act 1983 (Vic) and Performance Standards. As part of this process, KPM results for each financial year are collected and published in this report. Separately, the Housing Registrar publicly reports on the compliance outcomes against Performance Standards for each registered agency (including an Executive Summary) and any regulatory intervention by the Housing Registrar exercised under Division 8 of the Housing Act. This information is also available on the Public Register.
For the 2020-21 financial year, the Housing Registrar acknowledges the significant additional resources and services that registered agencies invested during the reporting period to protect the safety of staff and renters in response to risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. This public health crisis impacted each registered agency in different ways, and this has affected the degree to which data can be meaningfully compared across the sector due to differences in registered agency size, service offerings as well as housing density and location of housing stock. For example, some organisations left a proportion of homes vacant in high-density buildings due to health advice that such measures were necessary to reduce infection risks. For those organisations the KPM data for average days to re-let properties may be higher than the average of other organisations despite applying an efficient and proactive approach to vacancy management. Similarly, KPM data on rent collection, maintenance and tenant satisfaction may have been impacted by the pandemic.




How this registered agency performed in 2020-21



Inner East Social Housing Group Limited (IESHG) provides community housing to low-income tenants in Victoria.  IESHG is registered as a ‘housing provider1‘ under the Housing Act 1983 (Vic).



IESHG’s performance against key performance measures for the 2020-21 financial year is reported below

Data reported is for long-term properties, including rooming houses, and transitional housing management properties unless otherwise specified.

At 30 June 2021 IESHG owned and managed 47 homes:

  • 47 long-term properties, including 40 rooming house homes

  • transitional housing management properties


Data reported for rents is for long-term properties including rooming houses.

  • The total rent due to IESHG for the year was $440,775

  • No rent was outstanding at 30 June 2021


Re-let times
Data reported for re-let times is provided separately for long-term properties and rooming houses. COVID-safe protocols have impacted re-let times and the impact is greatest for rooming houses.

IESHG took an average of 1.5 days to re-let homes, compared to the average for all housing providers of 34.1 days.

  • IESHG did not report any vacancies in long-term homes excluding rooming houses

  • 1.5 days on average to re-let rooming house homes, compared to the average for all housing providers of 47.5 days.


Tenant satisfaction2
In 2020-21, IESHG did not undertake a tenant satisfaction survey and therefore data on tenant satisfaction is not available.



IESHG reported it received 0 complaints from tenants and prospective tenants in the last year.


Maintenance of homes


  • IESHG completed 14 urgent requested repairs within 24 hours, representing 93.3 per cent of urgent requested repairs completed within 24 hours, compared to the average for all housing providers of 91.8 per cent

  • IESHG completed 59 non-urgent repairs within 14 days, representing 79.7 per cent of non-urgent requested repairs completed within 14 days, compared to the average for all housing providers of 88 per cent


1 The definition of ‘housing provider’ is explained in the accompanying Performance Report Explained document.

2 Tenant satisfaction surveys are required to be conducted every two years.






 Phone: 1300 705 784    /    Email:    /    Postal Address: P.O.Box 5007, Kew, Vic, 3101          

ABN: 92 882 272 807

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